Baker-Dorng Genealogy Update


Posting Member: Jake
Topic: Updates
Family Name Associations: All of them
Location: Sitting on a dead cow a.k.a. the couch
Music: Black Eyed Peas – The Time

The blog and the websites are coming along.  Hugely intense renovations are occurring.  Our evil former host hasn’t released everything as yet, so we’re waiting for crash day.  Mark’s been backing everything up in preparation for the big move to GoDaddy.  The Tree is already hosted there, so we’re good to go for that.  Jenn’s been working non stop on updating the graphics and making everything look awesome.  We’re discussing doing memorial candles on our memorial page.  Since I’m about as code savvy as my cat, I’ve been bugging Mark with nonsense.  I think it’s a great idea, and probably more friendly to the general public than glowing skulls.

Another update I have is that my Great Grandparents, Ernest and Leola, whom I believed to have been married in Cook County Illinois, went across to Lake County Indiana to be married.  Not exactly sure why, and since they’ve both been dead for decades, I can’t ask them.  And with mom being gone, so was my best chance of asking her WTF?  I have no idea if any of my other family would know the story or not.  In my head there’s gotta be a fun reason, like Gardner didn’t approve of his daughter’s choice and threatened my Great Grandpa with a shotgun or something. LOL  Yes, that’s pretty bizarre to find fun, but this is me.

Back to the candles…if I can find a code, I wonder if I can customize the types of candles.  Colour, shape, style etc.  There’s plenty of sites out there that do the virtual candles, but it’s proving difficult to find someone that easily supplies the necessary code for adding them.

Tech Geek and Adventurer, Jake spends his time on research and development to keep us in the latest and greatest of tools and equipment. Always one for traipsing off to any location, his passion for travel, photography and history pushes us to never quit. Also find Jake in his personally crafted fortress of Blogdom: Random Acts of Jake

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