Credit & Copyright

On behalf of the Closet Skeleton Genealogical Society we would like to give tremendous thanks to those that have supported us and collaborated with us over the years.

In honour of the lives and dedication of Family Historians,

Lenore McKenna HedgecoeBarbara Ann Dorng BakerJoseph Raymond Amie "Ray" Pleau
Freda Sue Miller Berry

With thanks to Cousins:

LeeMarilynJoan and Neal
RichardPamBarry and Barb
LindaClaire and FrankPatty

Additional thanks to fellow researchers and historians: Lynn, Martin, John, Christopher, David, Carl, Don, Frank, and John.

Family Histories are the efforts of hundreds and thousands around the world, both living and deceased.  We are so grateful for all the wonderful experiences we have had and look forward to the many more years of success to come.

Statement of Intent:  The Closet Skeleton Genealogical Society is a group of intermediary genealogists that publicly post their research and blog about their historical discoveries and personal experiences.  We are a non-profit, personally funded venture that receive absolutely no compensation or donations for our efforts or opinions.  If endorsement, publication or remuneration is involved in any of our member’s individual efforts, it will be dully noted and made public.

Nothing we, the Closet Skeleton Genealogical Society, display in any of our various incarnations online is meant to advise in medical, legal or psychological matters. In the case of needing such assistance please seek out professional consultation.

The graphics and content found on and have been designed with The Closet Skeleton Genealogical Society in mind.  All displayed material shares a reserved copyright to the respective contributing artists and writers.  We ask that you provide our information as source and credit if you’re referencing our content, and that you provide a link to our site.  This also pertains to FindAGrave memorial images.

Public records displayed on this site and in correspondence with our Family Trees and Genealogical research have been paid for or provided by private family collection,, The Canadian Government, The Church of Latter Day Saints, Vital Statistics from various worldly locations, libraries and by genealogical society references according to various locations.  At all times we do our very best to reference our work, to provide footnotes, links and credit according to the information we collect.  If by chance there is an error in our work, (and there could be, we’re only human) please contact us.

We’d like to take a moment to clarify that in no way do we support the nazi régime, white supremacy, physical abuse or violence, slavery or any illegal or inhumane activities, murder, mayhem or vigilantism. The historical accounts and documents on this site are provided as proof of the times in history when they were recorded and in no way reflect the beliefs or views of this Society or that of it’s members. At all times we aim for historical accuracy in our work, even when it is immoral.

Please try to keep in mind, as we do, through out this research and documentation, that this work is all about human beings. These people lived, loved and died. They are to be respected and treated with dignity at all times. We, the living, might not believe as they did or they might not have worshiped as we do, but there must be respect and freedom of choice for all. There is also, in everything we do, a constant respect for the privacy of the living and a sensitivity to the passing of loved ones. We are Historians and encourage others to take pride in the past, and to educate the present and to preserve for the future. On that same note, names of living relatives found in public documents such as obituaries and on grave markers will be posted on this site for historical accuracy. If concerned about this, please e-mail us with your concerns.

Finally, the information provided on this site is known to us to be the truth, or at least one person’s version of it. Through time, diligence and a whole lot of hard work we’ve put together the family histories and information found here-in. Our sources are credited and listed as best we possibly can, if there is any question to data organized within this site, please contact the site administrators, who would be happy to provide sources or clarify our research methods. Please note that some sources will be from actual living accounts of relatives, or accounts from relatives who have passed on. In such cases the best we can do is tell you what we’ve been told. Hopefully, the hard copies of records will support the facts but we will not supposition in specific cases. On the same note, information gathered from websites will be noted as such to the best of our abilities. The internet is too valuable a source to discount anything that we find, but everything should be taken with a grain of salt, and of course we like to do the legwork to prove or disprove any possibilities and encourage everyone to do the same.

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