Category Archives: Update

An update on technologies, Society progress and or research.

Genealogy Wise

Topic: I’m probably asking for trouble… But I joined a thingy called Genealogy Wise. Family Name Associations: Everyone! Locatio [...]


Topic: Online Online Online! Family Name Associations: EVERYONE! Location: Across Canada! We’re LIVE! Mood: Estatic! Music: Beyonce &# [...]

May 1st, Um…

Topic: My mental issues with being live by next week! Family Name Associations: Blincoe, McKenna, Durnell and Tillery… All of them. Th [...]

Arms and Badges

Topic: The never ending quest of Arms and Badges Family Name Associations: All Location: Barrie, Ontario Mood: Exhausted but WIDE awake Musi [...]

Progress. Yeehaw!

Topic: What we got done this weekend 🙂 Family Name Associations: All Location: Back in Barrie, sorry I didn’t blog in Bracebridge! [...]

Day One – Starting Over

Topic: When there are just too many errors, what’s left? Family Name Associations: The entire database with the exception of the Agner [...]

TNG, Jim McKenna and the Shamrocks and an Update :)

Topic: A general update with lots of babble. Family Name Associations: McKenna Location: Barrie, Ontario Mood: Zen Music: A Fine Frenzy R [...]

Progress Report

Topic: What we’re up to. Family Name Associations: The website, in all it’s glory. Location: Barrie & Bracebridge, Ontario M [...]

Website Wonders

Topic: Woohoo for Progress! Website Wonders! Family Name Associations: Everyone! Location: Barrie, Ontario Mood: Frigging super crazy excite [...]


Topic: Jenn being cranky because school is out and the children have all taken to psychotic episodes… Not really, but it would be a fu [...]
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