Category Archives: Update

An update on technologies, Society progress and or research.

The Latest Project of Doooooooom!

Posting Member: Jake Topic: Hullabaloo Family Name Associations: Keffer Location: 3 Different Rooms Mood: Frazzled Music: Louis Armstrong &# [...]

Project Armageddon

Posting Member: Jenn & Jake Topic: The broken-assed website!  Project Armageddon Family Name Associations: All Location:  The Moon. Mo [...]

The awesome people of Weaubleau, Missouri.

Posting Member: Jenn & Jake Topic: Poe Baker Hartley Stone Cemetery in Weaubleau, Hickory County, Missouri, Geocode and Website, Broken [...]

Movin’ today, maybe tomorrow too depending on how it goes!

Posting Member: Jenn – But in all honestly, Mark is telling me what to say! Topic: is down while we move it to the oth [...]

Website down for a few days…

We know the site is ‘parked’ right now – We’re trying to decide if we can venture out with a new host or not – [...]

HUGE update….

Posting Member: Jenn Topic:  It’s late!  Website updates and more… Family Name Associations:  Bentley and Howard, Canuel, Kel [...]

Update and Family

Posting Member: Jake Topic: Update Family Name Associations: Barnett, Thompson, Graves etc. Location: 2nd star to the right, and straight on [...]

Oopsie, forgot to press Publish!

Posting Member: Jenn Topic: Year End Family Name Associations: All 🙂 Location: Emonton, Alberta enroute to Toronto, Ontario Mood: Ex [...]

A Knot or two.

Posting Member: Jenn Topic: Blue People from Kentucky. A Knot or two. Broken Notes. Family Name Associations: Berry, Given(s), Hamilton, Hum [...]


Posting Member: Jake Topic: Update-ish Family Name Associations: Hume, Berry Location: Lost in the Ethos Mood: Achy Music: Silence It’ [...]
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