Category Archives: Berry-Miller

Information pertaining to the Berry – Miller Family Tree.

Woohoo for Oklahoma!

Topic: Francis Cemetery and other updates… Family Name Associations: Miller, Lee, Durnell, St.Vrain – Boxall & Graham. Locat [...]

Big Work!

Topic: Huge amount of tree updates… Family Name Associations: Troop, Reeson, Carthy, Miller, Buckles/Buckler Location: Barrie, Ontario [...]

What a day! :)

Topic: It’s 9:47… I’m beat and I can’t go to bed for hours. But what a day! Family Name Associations: Lequyer, St. V [...]

Working like Madness.

Topic: Mass insanity. Family Name Associations: Lequyer, Durnell, McDairmaid, Location: Barrie for me… Jules and Kev are in Washago ge [...]

May 1st, Um…

Topic: My mental issues with being live by next week! Family Name Associations: Blincoe, McKenna, Durnell and Tillery… All of them. Th [...]

101 Tillery’s on the Wall!

Topic: 101 Tillerys! Take one down and pass it around… Oh, but we should be putting them up, not taking them down… Maybe this so [...]

Find A Grave

Graves for Berry: http://www.findagrav [...]

Update number nine million six hundred and thirty three… LOL

Topic: R C Miller, The Website and Tartans Family Name Associations: Miller mostly. Location: Barrie, Ontario Mood: Super duper tired. Just [...]

Durnell, Darnall, Darnell, Dernel… I could go on. The Durnell Cemetery.

Topic: The miss spellings of one name. The Durnell Cemetery in Weaubleau, Hickory, Missouri, USA on Find-A-Grave Family Name Associations: D [...]

Ugh… Food good, sleep bad.

Topic: Just a note on what’s goin’ down… Family Name Associations: Baker, Lason Location: Barrie, Ontario, Canada Mood: St [...]
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