Topic: Huge amount of tree updates…
Family Name Associations: Troop, Reeson, Carthy, Miller, Buckles/Buckler
Location: Barrie, Ontario
Mood: Tired but busy and super productive!
Music: Sheryl Crow – The First Cut is the Deepest
An absolutely huge amount of updates going on. First off, kudos to Aunt Linda, who’s begun her own quest for research and is going great guns! Thanks to her for all her help on putting together parts of the Boxall/Graham tree. We look forward to working together in the future!
We’ve got the Troop family back to 1881 in England, just trying to flesh out the family and their children, leading into the Reeson family… It looks like the families spent time in or originated in Yorkshire and Lancashire at this point, but we’ll see how much further back we can get.
We’ve got the Carthy family, through Mary Mildred Carthy, headed back through her family in Arnprior, Ontario, Canada. We’re just waiting on permissions for Millie and Buck’s grave stone right now.
The Millers… Well, we’re going great leaps and bounds with them right now. Finally uploading a ton of the paperwork we have going on over here. Not a lot of luck with graves but there’s a paper trail a mile long, and it’s going quickly. Mark and Jake have been just scooping up the documents, we’re adding them as quickly as our little fingers can type.
Can’t find Jessie Francis Miller though, it’s really got us all stumped. Born in 1897, we’re pretty sure he died in the First World War, and can’t find supporting documents. Family research papers confirm a death in 1918… We’re sure that something is missing… War records, even then, are pretty clear. So what gives? Where is Jessie Francis? I’m about to ship him off to Kev to see if he can come up with something.
Is it Buckles or Buckler? Can anyone answer that question? I have a family document with Buckles, and research with Buckler… And only once census with original writing so far for Henry – And it could be either. Geez Louise! Because our link on here is Mariah Buckle- I’ve managed to track down where she ended up. A daughter named Sally Emma Miller married a man named James Tanner, Mariah lived with them after the death of her husband John Miller. I won’t start on my rant about how women historically get lost because they loose their maiden names, but I’m finding a lot of trouble once we get past 1850 that’s for sure.
What else?
We’re expecting company next week, so of course we’ll have updates and fun things to add. There’s about 100 new supporting documents on 3 different trees in the past two days, so honestly we’re not slacking!
Updates to come on too, we’re going to be adding memorials to the people we’ve located, and soon, we hope more transcriptions. Our own graves section will be up sooner or later on our site as well. We’re concerned with organization – But there might be a meeting this weekend about that, and hopefully pizza! So I’ll write up here whatever is decided in the outcome.
I think that’s about it, yay for rain that lets me get blogging done! 🙂
Oh… And gps program should be cool, soon, we hope. Then we’re going to go on a few field trips to get locations noted, so we don’t loose any more cemeteries!!!
I’ll be back on and off over the next week, and we’re all on different branches doing research at this point… Drop us a line of there’s something you’d like to add!