Berry-Miller Genealogy

February Fun ♥

Posting Member: Jenn
Topic: Mysteries of Mysteries
Family Name Associations: Thompson, Barnett, Wyatt, Skaggs
Location: Ontario, land of the endless snow!
Mood: Cheerful

Happy Heart Day out there to everyone!  Starting the first posting of the year with a little Fun, this video rocks 🙂

SO!  I posted the post for the end of the year that I sort of accidently didn’t get posted at the end of the year – So sorry if everyone was worried we fell of the edge of the world rather than just visited Edmonton!

We’ve had so much going on that it’s been hard to focus on just one thing, however over the last week or so we’ve had really good success with the Barnett, Thompson, Skaggs and Wyatt lines.

Wyatt is probably the most exciting of the lot, heading all the way back to England to Sir Henry Wyatt, Poet, friend and supporter of King Henry VII.  There’s SO much history there it’s going to take us a good long while to get it posted.
I will link a few fun pages I’ve dug up already in my very early research:

I have to admit to some petty jealousy here, why does a certain individual always get the cool historical people???  I mean really, that kind of history sort of writes itself.  And there’s no end to the information one might gather to add to their tree.  And yes, I married into that tree, but still.  There are days I can’t do anything but beg for a single person to add to my lines, and yet, in this tree of over 2000 some odd people, they never run out of cool ancestors!
Alright, minirant ended.

Jake and I worked tirelessly for two days this week on the Thompsons of South Carolina, trying to exactly peg how Mary Elizabeth Thompson Barnett was related to Allen Thompson, but with little results and an ever growing list of intermarriages and confusing dead ends.  We’ve also come up with more questions than answers, especially while dealing with the line of William A Thompson, who married Alice Emily Thompson, daughter of Emily Derryberry and Thomas Lee Thompson.  We’ve discovered Vernon, who was born in 1902 apparently died at sea in 1934.  No other information forthcoming, although there is a FindAGrave memorial:

No military records that we can locate…  No answers, only more questions!

Hopefully this week we’ll be able to delve more into the Barnett and Skaggs families as well, there’s a whole lot of published work on the Skaggs Longhunters, I’m pretty sure at this point, we descend through a long line of ‘James’…  And then there’s the Dunham offshoots to discet as well.  All in good time!

I’ll do my best to keep everyone updated 🙂

Always one for making things pretty, Jenn is our resident artist. Métis, British Home Child Descendant, family historian and genealogist, she is always looking into some new branch of research and encourages historical preservation and education.

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