Genealogy Hedgecoe-McKenna

Chicken Noodle Soup and Windows 7…

Topic: An update on Win 7, General stuff and GPS
Family Name Associations: Lequyer/Lecuyer
Location: Barrie, Ontario
Mood: Cool
Music: Rascal Flatts – Here Comes Goodbye

So we had some computer issues… That’s putting it mildly. Vista has always caused us huge issues, really, it was the worst OS I’ve ever had. So it’s gone… Mark’s put Windows 7 on here, and we’re going to update the rest of the monsters until we’re all running it. Basically what happened was that we were working on fleshing out some of the Lecuyer branches before Leon changed the spelling to Lequyer… And nothing was saving! So we’re going to hope we didn’t loose any of our documentation there, but none the less, that’s what we were working on when things went nutso. Now it’s just a matter of reloading all the saved stuff and learning the changes in 7.

So far the one thing we’re pretty sure about in recent research is that Leon Lequyer, upon moving to Ontario changed the spelling of his name. Certain links, like Josephine Lecuyer Campbell, kept the original spelling, but most of the sons seemed to use the ‘Q’ spelling, either as Lequyer or LeQuyer after hitting the Washago area. And we do have trails of at least one of Leon’s sons heading to the US, and two daughters being from that line being American residents… But there’s a lot of details missing. Now that we’re running computers that can save documents we’ve got a better chance of adding to our research!

The kids are off of school, it’s been a good start to the summer despite the weather. We had some chicken noodle soup to warm us up today, all in all it’s going to be good times. We’re looking forward to having company from Texas in the next few weeks too, so we’ll be sure to add any points of interest we manage to gather up during our visit.

What else?
Oh yes GPS… Mark’s convinced the easiest way to map where we’re at is a gps software program run off the laptops we take out on location with us – So I’m thinking that’s what we’re going to give a try verses putting gps in one of our vans.
We’ve had a LOT of trouble getting solid locations for certain very small, very old cemeteries, and of course in building that section of our site, a location would be a good thing 🙂 Especially when you’ve got some places going by 3 different names and supporting multiple denominations.

I think that’s about it for today, I’m probably forgetting stuff!
We’ve been talking about doing Twitter… Just as a sort of track all for research. No super sure plans so far, but it’s an interesting idea and it’ll add to connections and contacts.

The photography challenge is in it’s 8th week and going strong, we’re all having a blast with it 🙂 It’s a nice branch from our original purpose and all the eye-crossing joy of endless research.

Alright, I think that’s it for today… We’ll be back with more soon.

Always one for making things pretty, Jenn is our resident artist. Métis, British Home Child Descendant, family historian and genealogist, she is always looking into some new branch of research and encourages historical preservation and education.

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