Cemetery Genealogy

Cemetery Decisions

Topic: Meeting in Bracebridge over yummy Pizza!
Family Name Associations: All of the Above
Location: Bracebridge, Ontario
Mood: Full – But there might be room for Struddle!
Music: – No, but the hockey game is on, go figure!

So I believe we’ve reached a couple of decisions 🙂
Once the snow clears we’re looking at picture galleries of the cemeteries we’ve researched and photographed. We’re going to catalog each cemetery by name, digital photos will be taken two per stone, one of text and one further back… Unless the stone has text on both sides or more than two sides in which case the stones will be numbered after each name.
We’re also going to include overview photos, because it’s nice to have some idea of what the place really looks like.
We’ve SO struggled over maps and the concept of marking the yards out, but honestly, there’s just no way without a huge investment of time, beyond the massive stake we’ve already taken.

We’re still arguing over transcriptions. LOL We couldn’t agree on everything in one day!
We might end up with scans of stones or possible transcriptions of certain stones. I think what we’re worried about is the older stones that just aren’t going to survive… Especially some of the ones at the old Lutheran Church.

Okay, it’s time to head home, it’s been a great day, we had lots of fun… Woohoo for the Spring Thaw!

Always one for making things pretty, Jenn is our resident artist. Métis, British Home Child Descendant, family historian and genealogist, she is always looking into some new branch of research and encourages historical preservation and education.

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