British Home Children Genealogy Hedgecoe-McKenna

Blincoe. Blencoe. Blinko. Blincow. Blinc?

Posting Member: Jenn
Topic: William Henry Harry Blinc?
Family Name Associations: Blincoe, Blencoe,  Blinko, Blincow and Bentley.
Location: The new office.  Which needs to be painted.  I can’t decide on a colour.  We decided we need more room!  For the filing, of course, which the house elf is going to do while I take a nap…  No, really!
Mood: Cranky because of the migraine of doom.
Music:  For Tyler.

This week there have been updates to the Lee, Brush, Miller, and Allan lines.  I’ve decided the Allan, or FitzAlan lines will be completed about the same time as the Wyatt lines get done.  I hate royal genealogy, as much fun as it is learning about, it melts my brain.  I’m thinking about some sort of a ticker on the website that says – This is new! But given the issues the website has been giving us over this last week, it’s a wonder Mark hasn’t thrown the TNG backups out on the front lawn. We’re still loosing notes, so talk of mass reconstruction are underway…  That thought alone would give anyone a migraine.  But loosing information doesn’t work, so we’re talking.  It would be like starting over, in some ways…  Or just one giant information review.

I’m bugging a certain individual for pictures of the Berry/Lee/Morris line for pictures that may not even exist but I’m hoping they do.  I’m hoping that this certain individual will find some very exciting pictures for me buried away in some place.  It would make us very, very happy! 😀  I’d even add smiles to my posts! 😀

Anyways, onto the Blincoe topic!  Two days ago I got a message from Roger.  Roger is a family researcher for the Blincoe etc. line.  We’re related to this family through William Henry ‘Harry’ Blincoe who married Mary Ann Bentley, daughter of Selina Caletta Priscilla Young and Stephen Bentley.  Roger thought I’d gotten William’s parents confused…  And two days later, I can honestly say Roger was so right.

There’s an 1888 birth confirmation in Montreal, Quebec for a William Harry Blincoe that I had thought was our boy with parents Rachel and Robert.  It is not correct and that is not our William’s family.  Roger’s initial indication that William’s parents might be Jane Holmes and Joseph Blincow from Staffordshire didn’t pan out either.  And my second educated guess based on census and errant family trees of Isabell Taylor and Isaac Blincow being the right line fell through with Roger’s military records for that William Henry Blincow being stationed still as a soldier in England in 1901.  Didn’t know there were so many William Henry’s?  Me either.  I’ve counted at least 3 cousins born in about the same area in about 3 years, and two others with the same name and area in 10.  That’s not counting the previous generation.  Is your head aching yet?

We have two confirmed records.  His Attestation Papers from 1914, and his travel document from 1895.  There are two other travel documents from the 1920s that we can’t confirm if they’re William’s or his son’s Theodor Harold.  You wouldn’t think this is all that confusing.  It is.

What we know:

William Henry Blincoe was born 4 Jul 1878 in Princes’ End, Staffordshire, England.  That’s in Dudley.  He was called Harry.  He was involved with the British Home Children Project.

I was shocked by that last bit as much as I’m sure anyone else would be.  All credit for the discovery goes to Roger, who thought to look up what ‘Knowlton’ meant as a location for his Halifax arrival.  Major thanks goes out to Karen on the British Home facebook group for even remembering the government had a listing – The only place I could think of searching was and it’s apparently defunct now.  Sad, because the concept was quite useful for descendants looking to try and piece together their ancestor’s lives.
I’m including two links that Roger sent over.  I have eons more reading and learning to do about this new aspect of Home Children.  I cannot believe we found another child involved in this program, it utterly blows my mind.

From Lori’s site:—6000-emigrated.html

Now, cousin Marilyn met ‘Tommy’ – Who she thought was the son of Mary Ann and her Blincoe husband.  Tommy, whom ever he might be, was the Magician I remember my Grandfather talking about.  I’m sure there’s mention of him in information from Ray Pleau, but that’s in the filing.  The house elf will have to find it when I’m napping.

We have:
William born 1878
Thomas Harold born 1902
Teodor Harold born 1935

Keep in mind that cousin Marilyn met him, and Arthur himself was born in the 1930s.  For them to have met Tommy he had to be a practicing Magician in Montreal, timing is important.  Cousin Marilyn did note that Tommy died there, I haven’t found anything that even vaguely looks like a death record.

And for more fun, we have 2 travel documents for ‘Harry’ in the 1920s both stating Uncle Alex as his contact.  Only Thomas Harold should fit this profile.  And then…  We have Harry saying his immigration date was 1895 and he was born in Staffordshire.  If you’re saying ‘huh?’ right now with full Southern American inflection, you’re not the only one.


I open the floor to greater, less plagued minds than my own.  If you can figure this one out, you get a cookie…  Because I’m at a total loss.  William Henry ‘Harry’ Senior MIGHT be the person in the travel notes.  But then why is he calling his brother-in-law his Uncle?  For further note:  Mary Ann’s sister is my own Alice Bentley, who married Alexander Scott Walker Sr.  William Henry ‘Harry’ was born in 1878, Alex Walker was born in 1874 – Uncle???  Oy.

I’m going to go get to the filing now, apparently our house elf quit.

Always one for making things pretty, Jenn is our resident artist. Métis, British Home Child Descendant, family historian and genealogist, she is always looking into some new branch of research and encourages historical preservation and education.

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