Genealogy Hedgecoe-McKenna

Am McKenna Update

Topic: Am McKenna Update
Family Name Associations: McKenna
Location: Barrie, Ontario
Mood: Hungry
Music: None, isn’t that a shame? We’ll have to fix that.

I’ll post this on the blog too, so we’re clear all the way around for what we’re still looking for, oh and I have some photo searches for Julie – Or information searches.

Jules we need a copy of the McKenna and O’Neill tartan so we know what we’re looking for to post on the site. There may be more than one version, there’s often an ancient, modern, dress etc. LOL Let me know what you find out.
I need a couple of nice big stock photos of old looking ships – as in, we came across the ocean to get here ships. I also need some nice shots from Ireland. The bigger the better of course. Maybe some rainbows over green hills or something. Let me know when you’re done with that, there’s more stuff I’ll need J

What’s interesting is last night this website became available – It had been down, maybe host issues I’m not sure. But it confirmed a lot of what we already had, and gave us a very interesting list of McKenna’s in the Montreal Cote des Neiges Cemetery.
One way or another, I’m going to be contacting Patrick Boylan as soon as our site is up to a point where we don’t just sound like freaks… Seriously if this host doesn’t smarten up, I’m going to set Kev and his ‘I’m dealing with Bell’ attitude on them.

So, information updates… Margaret ‘M’s mystery name is actually Moynaugh, apparently. We’re going to see what we can dig up on her, but we’re assuming she died in the US with Thomas Sr. at this point.
Thomas Edward did stay in the US, although he returned to coach a Lacross team for a time. He is apparently buried in Colorado, we have to find census information to support everything, but apparently he died leaving a young daughter named Catherine and a wife named Margaret or Rita Reilly.

What we’re still search for, for the most part. We know the dates, it’s just a matter of matching up records to be sure we’re on the right track… Which we are, because I know we are, but it’s hard with the US’s crappy birth and death records and so much moving around.

Birth Records:

Thomas Edward McKenna 1861 Quebec Canada

Grace McKenna – No information, born in Quebec or Chicago, it’s unclear but she could be an infant death.

John C est. birth in 1871, possible infant death.

James Henry McKenna 1872 Chicago

Francis Joseph McKenna 1875 Chicago

Death Records:

Mary Moynaugh McKenna – est. b. 1800 Ireland, Chicago in 1870, no further information.

Mary Alice McKenna 1943 Quebec

James Henry McKenna 1928 Quebec

Census Records:

Thomas Edward McKenna – In Chicago Illinois, or Colorado

And I think that’s it for now.

Always one for making things pretty, Jenn is our resident artist. Métis, British Home Child Descendant, family historian and genealogist, she is always looking into some new branch of research and encourages historical preservation and education.

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