We are aware the website is down at the moment. At this point it looks to be probably about another year before we’re ready/able to get things back up and running to the norm.
We’ve suffered a loss in one of our branches, and are adapting. We thank you for your patience.
At this time, going forward, please refrain from contacting Jennifer, as time is at a premium right now, and we are focussing on the living. So sadly, our ancestors will have to have patience with us. 🙂
We’re also looking into the facebook angle, as it never really took off as we expected it to. At this time, the facebook group is locked down.
Feel free to contact Jake at jake@snowstones.com, and he will return correspondence as time allows.
We hope in the future to get back into unearthing our previous generations, but right now, it is not feasible.
The Administration of the Closet Skeleton Genealogical Society. aka Jake