Posting Member: Jenn
Topic: Food glorious food! On Pinterest.
Family Name Associations: All
Location: In the air conditioned house, because it is SO hot and humid out there!
Mood: Hungry
Music: Up Town Funk – Bruno Mars
We’re all excited that the new layout is up and working, so we’re dancing along with Bruno 🙂
Lots of changes going on between the site and the trees – Thanks so much to everyone for being so patient with us while we move to this new format. A big huge high five to Mark for everything he’s put into making this work. Don’t worry, we won’t let you get bored! I think there’s some apps we still need 🙂
The other night we were organizing our Pinterest account and getting all our links in line when I had an idea. Pinterest is a great source for recipe ideas for me – But what about all those traditional foods we LOVE? We needed a food board for all those things we have been making for generations. Somewhere we could pay homage to BBQ pork buns and Scottish shortbread all right in the same place!
Jake quickly got pinning, and we’re putting together this really cute bored I wanted to share:
Closet Skellies Traditional Family Foods
Do you have anything specific your family makes at holidays? Comfort foods? Grandma’s old recipe? Share them! Don’t forget to send us a link. If you start a board on your own page send us a link and we’ll follow along!
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