Genealogy Hedgecoe-McKenna Keffer-Diceman

My super super super long never ending day!

Topic: The Day that will never END…
Family Name Associations: McKenna, Keffer
Location: Aurora, Ontario
Mood: Super exhausted – Been trying to get to bed for HOURS…
Music: Taylor Swift – Love Story

We had the most excellent meeting of cousins today with Claire and Frank! It was insane, there were a million crazy coincidences, and I am just so happy with how the whole day went. There were a million connections, things that I guess, family has that we didn’t even realize we had…
Hehehe… Ireland in June might be something I beg Santa for!
I’m still so stuck on the Buddha with his hands in the air! I can’t wait for more visits, really, we had a blast, Mum was just laughing, even later, over the crazy similarities.

I’m finding myself wishing tonight that this whole ‘family’ thing was always so much fun… I don’t think people realize how often it’s walking a fine line between playing historians, psychologists and genealogists. I think we should have a title like ‘Humanists’! We don’t just put history together, we put lives together. And we reconnect family.
That’s a big deal.

We had so much McKenna progress today, really I can’t even convey it… We’re so far behind with uploading that I’m worried a long winter won’t be long enough. It could always be winter, at this rate, and we’d still be behind. Oh well… we’ll give it 20 years right Jules? LOL

We heard back from the Artist of Adam Keffer’s window about his sources, and I’m looking forward at following the leads… It might have us headed back to Ottawa.
They’re so cool, really, the entire lot of those window artists rock… I love the stained glass! LA and I always talk about trying to learn how to do something simple for fun, there’s just something spiritual about windows…
We’ll do that in our spare time… Right! 😉

Oh, Hans – Johann – Adam Keffer, Lee was kind enough to point out we’ve done something to the top of that poor Keffer tree. I’m not sure what right now… We’re looking into it. I’m thinking I might have erased something, and possibly merged two families.
Hehehe… Mark always tells me not to bang my head against the keyboard!

Holy COWS it is so late. I’ve got to go to bed. No more ordering sequins from ebay! LOL Thanks Jake. We’re going to shimmer like ROCKSTARS!

Goodnight world…

Always one for making things pretty, Jenn is our resident artist. Métis, British Home Child Descendant, family historian and genealogist, she is always looking into some new branch of research and encourages historical preservation and education.

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