Baker-Dorng Genealogy Hedgecoe-McKenna

Breakthroughs and Breakdowns

Posting Member: Jake
Family Name Associations: Christensen, Larson, Mullin, Dorng
Location: On an island in my mind
Mood: Uh Huh
Music: Aerosmith – Come Together

So, I took a break from the Mullin breakthrough yesterday during our rainy day research-a-thon. LOL  I honestly think I made it rain just so I could research them more.  Thanks again to cousin Joan for the help and the leads.  Network Genealogy is so much better than people just holding onto information on their own, and I super appreciate everyone who has helped us out by sharing research and leads.

So…took that break and decided to jump into my tree which I’ve been ignoring for ages as I haven’t gotten any good solid leads in eons.  The Dorng’s just…don’t exist prior to 1920, which…I know they do, but I’ll be damned if I can catch a break with them.  The Larson’s as well are giving me nightmares, but that’s because I don’t think the Swedish records are very good, and I don’t really have enough of  a history for them prior to showing up on censuses in Chicago.

I found some good leads on a Great Aunt (by marriage)  Mildred Christensen married Henry Larson who was my mother’s uncle on her mother’s side.  I didn’t have too much information on her prior to yesterday when the floodgates opened up for her line.  I’m now back to Denmark with her line in the early 1800’s which is kinda cool.  Mildred from listening to my aunts and uncles was a favourite growing up, so I’m glad I was able to get some more information on her, and can’t wait to share what I’ve found.

I have a cousin in Wisconsin to nail down and break open a family bible with.  Our communication is sporadic at best, and rumour is he’s retiring to Alaska, so I need to get a hold of him before that happens.

And…that’s my update for now.  I gotta get to sleep, the a.m. is going to get here way too fast.

Ciao for now,

Tech Geek and Adventurer, Jake spends his time on research and development to keep us in the latest and greatest of tools and equipment. Always one for traipsing off to any location, his passion for travel, photography and history pushes us to never quit. Also find Jake in his personally crafted fortress of Blogdom: Random Acts of Jake

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