Posting Member: Jenn, finally.
Topic: Trying to update, which is so long over due this is bound to be a novel.
Family Name Associations: O’Neill, Bentley, Howard, Walker, St. Vrain
Location: Barrie, at home 🙂
Mood: We’re all doing well, enjoying the summer!
Well, first off, I’ve misplaced notes a cousin sent me on a St. Vrain correction. I’m quite irritated with myself, as I know I’d made notes and put papers… somewhere. It might have been when I was painting my office, which explains the chaos and why the notes aren’t on my clipboard. It doesn’t excuse my disorganization or my lack of making the correction – My apologies to the St. Vrains out there that have noticed my slacking. I will find my notes and get back to Ellen immediately.
I have to get to the filing!
We’ve been in a Bentley whirlwind this last few months. If I haven’t praised cousin Marilyn today, let me just say, she is awesome. We’ve got quite the little network growing right now, and I couldn’t be more pleased with the connections we’re unearthing. Pateley Bridge has been everything we could have hoped for, with a family tree that’s leading well into the early 1800, late 1700s.
I’d also like to thank cousin Chris for his assistance with the Longster/Lancster family. And distant cousin Katherine for her additions to the Bentley-Dallas family line.
We’re making such brilliant progress 🙂 If I haven’t mentioned your name, it’s because I’m a crazed scatterbrain… Progress is always a combination of so much by so many.
I’d like to post thanks to cousin David as well, who’s recently been in contact with information on the Bentley-Howard side of the tree. Cousin David provided us with a little more insight into the line of Philomene Boulder and Andrew Jackson Howard and we have high hopes for learning more and being able to publish more about the Howard family. I’ll include this amazing family photograph here, because it hasn’t been uploaded into the tree yet. Any Howard descendants out there who know more of who is sitting for this portrait are welcome to contact us and add names.
And there’s something here I just have to post. For those of you who know us personally, you know we do up Halloween every year as grandly as we can manage. Food, home made costumes all on a theme, and whatever other insanity we can get ourselves into. Thanks to cousin Marilyn, we now know the costuming is genetic 🙂
James’s farmed land highlighted in pink. The land was rented from Crawford Calhoun and sits right along the edge of Fairy Water River.
Original map of Longfield or Langfield East and West.