Just in from dear cousin Chris Wright – http://www.amazon.ca/s/ref=nb_sb_noss/183-8391014-9324401?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=lancasters+of+pateley+bridge
His new book ‘The Lancasters of Pateley Bridge’ is now available in Canada via Amazon.ca for all of our purchasing pleasure! Chris also notes there’s a Kindle version of the book – But being completely addicted to paper, we’ll be ordering our very own version to add to our ever growing library.
I couldn’t help but note the following linked item that I might wish to purchase from viewing this highly anticipated family history volume… I’d have to have an addendum to this cute little bumper sticker. Think the printers would add a third line of text reading ‘x4 Generations Ago’? Too cute!
Chris has begun working on his second volume, which we’re eagerly awaiting with it’s focuses on our own Bentley ancestors. We’ll be sure to continue to report about his wonderful accomplishments.