We’ve been so crazy busy with so much, really… It’s insane. Really, we all just need to give up sleeping, then there’d be enough hands for all this work!
I’m looking forward to that quiet time when it’s all snow everywhere and it’s just the team doing our thing… I know, I know, looking forward to snow is just all wrong.
I just found a comment and uploaded it because apparently I missed it in my mail… Some how… Anyways we’re going to have to check it out because promises of a huge family St. Vrain tree is super exciting.
We’ve got Keffer Fest looming, about 70 photos that still need to be uploaded and probably double that waiting to be scanned. Lots of information coming in about the British Home Project lately… And the need to research the Carr family rather extensively, but we’ll get to all that. We’ve got some great grave photos right out of King, we’ve been adding stuff to FindAGrave but we really need more time on it all.
An obit passed on from a contact in Missouri this morning for one of the Durnell descendants… I was going to post it here but I might wait a bit and see if we can’t post it directly into the tree. I’ve got some feelers out to see if we can’t place exactly who’s line she’s connected to.
What else? On a personal front… We’ve started our Halloween costumes, the kids are driving us all bonkers and can’t get back to school fast enough… And we’re supposed to get together with the Eastern Team in the next week.
We have a draft letter to the Reeson side of the family ready and just need to mail it out. Once that’s done we’ll see if we can’t scare up some more hints about Canadian descendants.
It think that’s about it, I said, it’s an unupdate update!