Topic: Online Online Online!
Family Name Associations: EVERYONE!
Location: Across Canada! We’re LIVE!
Mood: Estatic!
Music: Beyonce – Halo
WOW!!! Look at us!!!!!! Even the plague couldn’t stop us from running LIVE baby! WOOHOOO!!!
Mark’s up to his ears in St. Vrains right now, half our profiles are loaded, we’re missing history pages and we still have about 500 documents to load… No to mention photos, missing stuff we’ve just not gotten to yet – Like tartans, oops…
OMG we’re live. It’s only taken us since what, 1998 to do this?! LOL Woo-frigging-Hoo baby! We’re live!
I have to go fix the index… I can’t wait for the errors to start rolling in. We’re so not ready… But who is? I mean, this site will never be done, it’s a constant example of life, learning and living. Holy COWS we’re ONLINE!
Huge updates on the History pages, I’m working on those, Mark’s helping but again, we had some St. Vrains pop up in… St. Louis, go figure, they’re always in St. Louis… Anyways, we’ll get back to that.
Jaken’Bake is working on fixing the tree he broke earlier this week – He deleted it trying to show off for cousins Mary & Tommy. LOL I’m going to get hit for that. Anyways… He’s reloading.
Jules is filling out her profile, LA did hers like a good girl.
Mina and Phil are going to do theirs… Really. Soon. Really… And Markus will do his or he doesn’t get to sleep! MWUAHAHA! Isn’t it fun to be the Apprentice of MEAN?!
I should add that to my profile. I think I will 🙂
Holy cows you guys… We rock. 10 years ago, I said this couldn’t be done. I was wrong. TEAM CSGS ROCKS!!!
I’d like to take one personal sappy moment. If it wasn’t for you guys, none of this would exist. You’re the best group of people there is. That’s it 🙂 If there’s karmic bonus for being the bestest… Ya’ll are due for some virgins. I love you. Blessed be.