Topic: R C Miller, The Website and Tartans
Family Name Associations: Miller mostly.
Location: Barrie, Ontario
Mood: Super duper tired. Just more of me talking to the voices in my head.
Music: Please don’t stop the music – Rhianna
Okay so… Today’s bout of useless research was on R C Miller of the line that goes no where to no one Millers… Bleh. I’m cranky. Jim and I spent hours searching to try and get further back that good ol’ RC… Nada.
Roscoe Cole Miller, we think, is a pain in my bum. Born in Kentucky in 1872, he’s a frigging dead end… Two dead wives, Clarissa Hulett and Stella Jones… And so little records I’m actually starting to wonder if we don’t just have it allllll wrong.
We know he was in Missouri, and in Oklahoma eventually, but can’t nail him in a 1900 census… 1910-1930 we’ve got, social death we’ve got… Bleh. Seriously why is the US turning into the hardest thing ever for me? It’s supposed to be agreeable!
I’m all for Mark hitting up his relatives for more info, but we know how easy it is to convince him to send an e-mail
The website… Um, we got ftp access today. Thank the frigging stars. So now there’s the issue of linking about 1300 records to their people. Woohoo for jobs that’ll take me longer than my lifetime to complete!
Mark’s starting to learn how to change around the appearence of the program, TNG, we use for our records. Which I’m super all for cause I hate white and plain and boring.
Um… Oh, tartans… Yeah, well, Jules and LA and I have gone on a little tartan hunt. Still no copy of the old McKenna one I know exists because I have the fabric somewhere… Red and Green. It bugs me that it’s not sitting somewhere with confirmation just waiting for me to say, hey there it is!
A good bunch of O’Neill samples… We’ve got Graham covered. Apparently McMillan is ugly, LOL But we’ll put them all up anyways.
We’re working like dogs, a lot of personal crap going on… Flying crystal and all that… Seriously I think we all need a nice vacation in Hawaii with surf and sand for like a month.
Who’s with me?!
LOL I’m such a Rockstar. I won’t be waiting for you all to answer!
I’d better get back to work before Mark starts cracking the whip