Berry-Miller Genealogy History

The Barnett Family

Some people are just amazing.  After a few e-mails back and forth now with cousin Vincent Gwaltney, we can only convey our gratitude for everything he’s collected and shared in regards to the Barnett Family.  What an exceptional collection of history!  Although we haven’t progressed further back with the origins of James Barnett and the family line, we have had several questions answered about the parents of our own Elisha Barnett.

Confirmation of Ally, or Alice Wyatt Barnett’s final Will and Testament was provided by cousin Vince.  Although it’s taken us a few days to come up with a conclusive transcription, we’re pleased to share our interpretation now.

1848Will-AllyBarnett-Pg1     1848 Will Ally Barnett

In the name of god amen I Ally Barnett of Warren County and State of Kentucky being weak in body but of sound mind and knowing the ?…? of life do make and ordain this new last will & Testament revoking all other wills heretofore made by me or may hereafter be made. As to my body, I give it to the earth to be interred at the direction of my children who may be present and my soul to God who gave it in the first place.
1 I desire that my funeral expenses be paid and after wards all my debts be fully paid off =
2 I desire that the balance or remainder of my estate of every kind be equally divided between all my children thereafter named= to my daughter Elizabeth Wainscott, Sally Thompson, the heirs of Wm Barnett dec’d, and my sons James Barnett, Elisha Barnett, David Barnett, Luke Barnett, Riley Barnett, and Alice Skaggs. My desire is that my above named children have an equal portion of my estate except my daughter Alice Skaggs. My will is that she shall have my last bed, bedstead and furnishings over and above the rest of my children and they have an equal portion with the rest of Wm. Barnetts heirs to have one share.
I hereby appoint my son Elisha Barnett my Executor to this my last Will & Testament. My will is also that my Executor above named have full power to sell my estate and to divide the proceeds among my children above named except my bed bedstead and furniture which I have given to my daughter Alice Skaggs
In testimony whereof I the sd Ally Barnett have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal this 16th day of November 1848.
signed in presence of Ally (her mark) Barnett SEAL
Noel Johnson and
Sally (her mark) Hancock Witness

State of Kentucky Sch
Warren County Court July term 1849
This last Will & Testament of Ally Barnett dec’d was produced in court and then proved by the oaths of Noel Johnson and Sally Hancock the subscribing Witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded which is recorded accordingly. ?Tech? A.G. Hobson, Esq.

We were incorrect on the conclusion that Elizabeth Barnett Wainscott was the sister of James Barnett, instead learning that she is the daughter of Ally and James!  Cousin Vince suggested Jame’s birth date is 1786 verses our original estimate, but the numbers aren’t quite adding up for these lines and it’s causing vast confusion.  At this point, we’re struggling to research the exact possible dates of births, marriages and deaths of James and the additional children Ally’s Will confirms. records confirm that Elizabeth ‘Betsy’ Barnett married Adam Wainscott on 22 Oct 1814 as follows.

  • Kentucky Marriages, 1802-1850
    Ancestry.comSpouse 1: Barnett, Betsy
    Spouse 2: Wainscott, Adam
    Marriage Date: 22 Oct 1814
    Marriage Location: Kentucky
    Warren County

Our suggested year of birth for Betsy has been 1792…  Making her Father only 6 years old when she was born?  Uh no.  Something is wrong somewhere.  Ancestry Family Trees all seem to claim the girls are much younger than our research suggests, making Betsy born in 1814, however conclusive proof that Sarah ‘Sally’ Barnett Thompson was born in 1798 has been proven with the location of her grave stone and the transcription of her wedding date.  Admittedly, the stone could be wrong, however it’s an actual stone, verses conjecture and family lore – Which are the only things we’ve found proving the birth dates of these girls.   Family histories with their wedding dates as their birth dates are wreaking havoc in our ability to conclusively set out a timeline.

Jake is going to continue attempting to find graves for Elizabeth ‘Betsy’ Barnett and her husband Adam Wainscott in an attempt to correctly identify their ages.  It’s quite frustrating to have mother Ally and her daughters birthing children around the same times, and it’s only something we repeatedly run into in our French Canadian genealogies.

We’re also concerned that the 16 Nov 1848 death date for Ally might have been ultimately confused with the date her final Will was signed, unless she signed and immediately passed away.  We have, at this point, still been unable to prove where Ally or James were buried.

Cousin Vince also shared several family photos, which we’ll work on incorporating into the family tree once we begin uploading media files.  His additional contributions to the family history of David Andrew Barnett are available through the link below.

We’re looking forward to an eventful few weeks in our various fields of research.  Posting here will occur as we have more information to share.

Always one for making things pretty, Jenn is our resident artist. Métis, British Home Child Descendant, family historian and genealogist, she is always looking into some new branch of research and encourages historical preservation and education.

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