Topic: Trip to Thunder Bay
Family Name Associations: McKenna, Canuel, Lequyer, and Keffer
Location: Barrie, Ontario
Mood: Ready to go!
Music: Greenday – When September Ends
So, no real huge progress… Lots of standstill. I have an inbox full of things that might happen if I have a 48 hour layover between here and Thunder Bay. (Ha!)
I’m headed up North, leave Wednesday, should be home Sunday… Hopefully this trip will add to the ever evolving insanity that stems from the Canuel line, and affects the Lequyers and McKennas. The latest there is that Angus Campbell – Auguste Canuel (Or was he?) might actually be MicMac First Nations Native Canadian.
How… I don’t have a clue. But there’s stories swirling… And where there’s a story, there’s a reason for it. So questions need to be answered. Hence my strapping on the travelling shoes… Or at least that’s some of the reason.
I’ve had a cold so flying will probably be miserable. Everyone else is buried in Halloween and Real Life. I’ll try to blog a little on the move. Someone, sooner or later, is going to have time to sort out the top of that Keffer Tree, I swear…
Notes of appreciation to Cousin Lee, who’s sent me more Keffer information than I can find time for, and Cousin Marilyn who has been insanely helpful as usual.
I’ll be back soon!