Topic: Deleting the Agner family tree by accident, and the Babcock uploading.
Family Name Associations: Agner and Babcock… Oh and Bedard-Page and Eng.
Location: Barrie, Ontario
Mood: Cozy with my tea on the inside and the rain on the outside.
Music: Backyardigans, LOL I am putting on music and earphones. Of course rainy mornings and no one here to complain call for A Fine Frenzy… We’re starting with Almost Lover… Followed up closely with Near to You, which has still got to be my favourite.
SO… This morning I got a manic e-mail from the Captain super upset from 2:30am about deleting the Agner tree in it’s entirety… Some sort of ‘test’ button and him pressing it and it deleting everything…
WOW it’s a good thing we backed up at the end of last week. So no worries, Markus will reinstall the Agners and we’ll go from there. Poor Jake… It just goes to show that the only thing to do when you’re tired is search. As sad as it is, mucing with trees when your head isn’t in it isn’t a good thing!
And I’d better have him show me that button, LOL Cause I need to stay the hell away from that. Geez… Seriously it should be painted red with a big ‘Do not touch!’ written on it. That way, if we did touch it, it really would be our own faults… LOL Not like we all touch buttons like that or anything… Really, we really good mutant genealogists. Really!
On Sunday Jake and Markus and I went on a fieldtrip to eastern Ontario area… We sought out some graves, did a good job on about half of the Zephyr Zion cemetery and managed to snap a photo of a house that was built a looooong time ago over that way. Part of the Eng family farm, and where they organic farm now… So that was good, for whenever we post anything on that tree at all. We also ended up with a Chinese headstone inscription that we need translated. We have a few people to hit up about getting it translated. The crazy positve end of all of that is that before when we only had an english translation of a Chinese name, the chances of being able to track the Chinese individual was slim to none – English names are basically custom’s agents versions of how the Chinese names sounded and had little to nothing to do with the actual person’s name. Hence the number Five – Our link on our tree – Sounds like Ummm when you say it in Chinese, and is spelled Eng, Ng, Ing and the like in translated English names for immigrants over the last 100 years. But we now have a Chinese name… And possible information, and birth and death dates. WOW that’s huge!
So there might be some searching going on there, we’ll have to see what happens after we’re public and doing our thing. There’s the Eng Benevelont (Sp?) Society, and a few Chinese Canadian immigrant services we can look into… I’m going to wait on that translation – I’m hoping to get two just in case there’s dialect conflict. Then we’ll decided where we’re going from there.
Babcocks! We’re getting up there… We’ve got records to link – Not all of them but a good few, and people to add to the tree, so it’s going along with great progress. All in all, we’re posting Friday with what we’ve got and I’m happy with it. I’d reeeeeally like those history pages to be done, but we’ll see how I get going. Right now I’ve got little ones who need snacks, dogs who need out and are going to want treats, and I need another cup of tea 🙂
Did I mention we have some amazing old Eckert photos? Yeah… We’re waiting for a German translation of a family tree that Omi did… She rocks, seriously, when I’m 94 don’t bug me for anything, LOL But we’ll add her information as soon as we’ve got it out of German. I have to babble for a minute about the amazing support we get daily from family and just good people who care about preserving history.
It’s so important to share, to have more than one copy, to let other people know what you know and to help people out! I mean we take a ton of pictures that have nothing to do with ‘our’ people just in hope that we’ll have pictures for someone looking for a grave that isn’t ours. And you know what? Sometimes we’re doing a cemetery someone’s done. But it’s not going to hurt to have more than one copy of those photos or transcriptions by FAR… The more, the merrier… What if our site (heavens forbid it) crash and we loose everything? What if someone elses does? We can only do better by helping each other and having as much as possible.
It makes me realize that people are good, and can work so well together – Money not involved – Just to work together for the future… So our kids and their kids and know what we know if they want to.
It’s a warm fuzzy thought to have on this grey skied morning. Have a good day everyone! I’ll be in touch as the week progresses.