Each family connects hundreds of people to form an intricate pattern of ancestors and descendants. Our origins span the world, our families come from all religions and ways of life. The common thread of Heraldry links many cultures and establishes the foundations of a Surname before words were a common understanding and images demonstrated a basic understanding to the populace.
This page represents the following Surnames: Agner.
Heraldry for every family is represented on each page as it has become available through out our research, as a tribute to the historical and evolutionary process that each family has survived. Name definitions are provided for each family as we find a connection to them, through intermarriage or discovery. Scottish, English and Irish families are represented with tartans, badges and other memorabilia as it becomes available to us. We’ve worked very hard at finding the most accurate and appropriate connections for each surname, if you see an error or have more information to add, please contact us via e-mail at CSGS@SnowStones.com.
Pleau Name Meaning and History
French: variant of Belleau.
Belleau Name Meaning and History
Nickname from beau, bel ‘handsome’, ‘beautiful’ + the diminutive suffix -eau (from Latin ellu).
habitational name from places so named in Aisne and Meurthe-et-Moselle; the latter is recorded as early as 1047 as Bella Aqua ‘lovely water’ (French beau, bel ‘lovely’ + eau ‘water’).
Family Motto: ‘Quod Tibi, Hoc Alteri’ (That Is For Thee, Not The Other)
Surname References from:
Dictionary of American Family Names, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-508137-4
Encyclopedia of Surnames, John Ayto, A & C Black Publishers Ltd, ISBN 978 0 7136 8144 4
(Unless otherwise stated)