Posting Member: Jenn
Topic: WWI Casualty Clearing Stations and Hospitals and Farm Cards
Location: Home
Mood: Still a little under the weather, silly winter and colds of doom!
I needed to note a few sources that have been critical in my research – And store some links, perhaps helping someone else in the process.
Library of Canada is making some changes, so I don’t know how long this will be valid. They suggest it’s been archived, but really, the information is priceless so I hope they don’t kill it completely. Farm Cards are full of death information for the boys who died on Canadian Soil. If they had pneumonia, TB, Cancer… This will confirm their service numbers, where they died and where they were buried. I didn’t know about this at first, one of the people on the facebook group pointed me to a blog that used it as a research to put together the story of another BHC… I’ve used it about 15 times over the course of the project for Death Due to Service boys.
The Medical Front WWI scanned sheets. They indicate the dates and numbers of the Clearing Station or Hospital and the locations. Honestly, sooner or later, if I’m bored and have the time, I’m going to compile a transcribed version of these sheets for my own use that I can search my own way… But this has been another valuable tool in putting together ‘place of death’ information.
A helpful resource in placing some of the Hospitals and Clearing Stations, but more so there’s a step by step guild for finding information about soldiers – Which I haven’t read word for word – I speed read the information I needed… I’m still to crammed to take the time to read it all 🙁
The Regimental Rogue
Other links I use, depending on the day, the need, or lack of finding other information:
Site run by Marc Leroux.
Commonwealth War Graves Commission
A very useful typed copy of Barnardo Homes ‘Faithful’ list… We joke about how when the project is done, we should send it back to them with the revisions for all the mistakes… In red pen, naturally. But then, we’re rude like that 😛
You have to have the right sort of Ancestry Membership for these.
Ancestry Collections:
Canada CEF Commonwealth War Graves Registers 1914-1919
Circumstances of Casualty 1914-1948 Records
And I think that’s about it for today, back to work for me. We’re in ‘L’. About 2 more months to go, and once I got out of ‘M’, I found it somehow easier… There was just something about ‘M’ that held me up and I found eons more difficult. Anyways, we’ve got SO much going on, updates will be posted when we find a second to stop doing and start writing!