Posting Member: Jenn
Topic: British Home Children
Family Name Associations: Stone, Blincoe
Location: In my super clean, fancy arranged office that still isn’t painted but is SUPER cute! 😀
Mood: Accomplished Music:
For the kids 🙂
Obviously, the website is still not working right. We were going to finally arrange that host switching, and then sort of stopped half way. Sorry about the limbo, but really, the trees are still up so the important stuff is there 😉
Quick link to avoid confusion:
Gosh there is SO much going on around here, I don’t know where to start. Hence why my office is finally arranged, new shelves are installed, and yet there is a decided lack of painting. I just can’t squish more hours into the day.
The gardens are planted, we’ve still working away on the veterans and soldiers from WWI who were British Home Children and are going to be memorialized in July on the 28th at Black Creek Pioneer Village – For those looking for more information and tickets, another quick link:
If you manage to come out and see the amazing displays and huge memorial for our BHC WW1, please say hi!
So, onto the amazing finds of this last week, because it’s been a big week! First off, Thanks going out to cousin Marilyn and Aunt Gail who were instrumental in providing papers that confirmed and furthered our research.
First, I know I’ve written before about William Henry ‘Harry’ Blincoe, and the nightmare of a time we’ve had placing him with his family in England, and tracking him here in Canada. A few weeks back cousin Marilyn found an Obituary for a Terrance Blincoe in Quebec. Marilyn felt that Tommy was Thomas Harold, and he was the Magician she’d met when she was a teen. Keeping that in mind, when we revisiting Harry, trying to put together his biography for the British Home Children, we were finally able to put the Canadian Blincoe generations together!
We’ll be adding to the Blincoe family as we can, and still trying to pinpoint which family was Harry’s own in England. And for those of you interested, the government has released Harry’s military record. We’d had this information before courtesy of Roger, but it’s good that they’re finally releasing these files without huge fees.
Quick link:
And onto Annie Stone’s papers, that have been scanned by Lynda and I managed to add in today. It sounds like Sarah Frances Carr and Samuel James Prest housed Annie a first, and then she went on to live with Ann Jane Ireland and William Carr. It’s so amazing even to see the letterhead that this letter was recorded on. All of us are so thrilled and excited to add this personal piece to the overall collection of information about Annie.
And that’s all for now. We’ll keep posting as things keep happening! Thanks to everyone for your support and encouragement, be well.